it's a game where you battle monsters,quests to finish,places to explore,make friends , make a castle, and battle with other people! it's better than runescape!
You can't capture Uxie more than once on this game, but you can own more than one Uxie if it is traded to you.
They have the same bonuses in combat terms, people mainly buy saradomin as as cosmetic item more than anything else.
Simply use cooked food with it, you can't add more than 12 hp worth of food to it.
yes there are alt codes on runescape but theyre different than ones on the other things you usually type in. but somethings are the same just like this website. for exaple. ¿ is alt 5544 ¥ is alt 4253 ° is alt 55544. thers alot more than that.
Members can trade more than 5k by completing more quests to gain more quest points, the more quest points you have the more the trade limit increases.
Yes it is beter because Jages was 1st who relise that type of game.. And RuneScape has much more cooler quests and it is much more intresting then this one.. Also runescape have Fullscreen mode.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- first of all runescape is the original and is better because of the graphics and it's got more options of what do drawing u in longer than frugooscape
Probibly Runescape since their is much more to do than in flight simulator 2004, plus with many more quests and weapons, its a much better investment that can keep your attention for hours
Currently there are 9844 quests in the quest database, but this includes daily quests and both Horde and Alliance quests. Alliance has 2521 quests, Horde has 2493 quests. 2674 quests are available to both factions. This tally does not keep into account class-specific quests or quests that have been made unavailable to players but are technically still in the game.
Play Runescape and get duhhh easy question.
No, after the initial teleport save, it will vanish from your inventory.
Such quests may exist, but if it is farming experience you want, better just go ahead and do some farming. That will be much faster than any quest.
No. That's just my opinion. Plus you can't compare two games that like. Runescape is an RPG with quests while Minecraft is a sandbox game where you can do ANYTHING.
Yes. It has unlimited number of uses I still have mine from when they were first created.
Dragon Slayer is a moderatley long quest, compared to some of the Member quests such as Monkey Madness, Legends Quest, and While Guthix Sleeps. If you follow a guide it shouldn't take you more than a few hours. You can find a guide for all RuneScape quests at
There are more than 500 FAQ about Runescape on WikiAnswers.
A lot more people play World of Warcraft than Runescape. It is a more populated website.