You can buy the TM brick break at the celadon dept store on the 2nd floor.
Focus Punch is most powerful, but is un-reliable with using substitute first, considering if the opponent hits you it fails. Brick Break is most reliable.
These are some good moves for your hitmonlee they are: Earthquake, Rock tomb, Brick Break, and Mega Kick it learns Mega Kick at LV.46 in Fire Red version.
A good moveset for Garchomp is: Outrage/ Earthquake/ Brick Break/ Fire Fang. If you want to, you can swap fire fang for crunch or stone edge.
you find them underground
A ground, fire, or fighting type. A Scyther that knows a move like Brick Break can be really useful.
Fuego IronworksUltimoz: I asked this question and by where can you find lots of fire Pokemon i ment where can you find lots of wildfire Pokemon!
Focus Punch is most powerful, but is un-reliable with using substitute first, considering if the opponent hits you it fails. Brick Break is most reliable.
flamethrower, fire blast, blast burn, and brick break
you can find them in MT.Ember
These are some good moves for your hitmonlee they are: Earthquake, Rock tomb, Brick Break, and Mega Kick it learns Mega Kick at LV.46 in Fire Red version.
You can't find it in Pokemon fire red
beam load formula
A good moveset for Garchomp is: Outrage/ Earthquake/ Brick Break/ Fire Fang. If you want to, you can swap fire fang for crunch or stone edge.
you have to break the code