A good moveset for Garchomp is: Outrage/ Earthquake/ Brick Break/ Fire Fang.
If you want to, you can swap fire fang for crunch or stone edge.
garchomp can naturaly learn giga impact, earthquake
dragon and ice moves are super effective against garchomp
Dragon Type's And Ice Moves Like Dragonite Garchomp etc.
Garchomp takes x4 damage from Ice Type moves, and x2 from Dragon Moves, so it would be obvious to use either an ice type or a dragon type. Weavile is an ice type that can outspeed a Garchomp and potentially KO it. Floatzel is a water type that can learn ice fang, ice punch and ice beam and it is also faster that Garchomp, so that can also K.O it.
my garchomp knows 1.draco meteor 2.earthquake 3.fire blast 4.dragon rush my garchomp knew these moves and it was defeating guys 10 levels ahead of it
garchomp can naturaly learn giga impact, earthquake
dragon and ice moves are super effective against garchomp
The ones that don't do any damage.
Dragon Type's And Ice Moves Like Dragonite Garchomp etc.
Garchomp takes x4 damage from Ice Type moves, and x2 from Dragon Moves, so it would be obvious to use either an ice type or a dragon type. Weavile is an ice type that can outspeed a Garchomp and potentially KO it. Floatzel is a water type that can learn ice fang, ice punch and ice beam and it is also faster that Garchomp, so that can also K.O it.
Depends on the moves you teach them
Garchomp, for he is a dragon type and he has ice, fire, dragon, normal, and a lot more different typed moves rather than hippowdown,
Garchomp is a good choice because Garchomp is a very strong pokemon. (especially Cynthia's Garchomp)
If it was me, I would use garchomp, floatzel and electabuzz. The best possible team is garchomp, a starter and metagross
Use ice type moves or dragon type moves. You should use a Weavile, or a Floatzel or Starmie with ice type moves. There are several other options...