Use ice type moves or dragon type moves. You should use a Weavile, or a Floatzel or Starmie with ice type moves. There are several other options...
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No, Garchomp is too fast, and it can OHKO Sceptile after a Swords Dance.
Diamond/Pearl~-spiritomb (female lvl 61)-roserade (f 60)-lucario (m 63)-gastrodon (f 60)-garchomp (f 66)-milotic (f 63)Platinum~-spiritomb (f 58)-lucario (m 60)-garchomp (f 62)-togekiss (m 60)-milotic (f 58)-roserade (f 58)
make your floatzel learn icebeam by TM but level it up first because her garchomp has giga impact.
My opinion would be to have a Empoleon for Flint,Bertha,and Cynthias Garchomp.Then an Infernape to get rid of Aarons retarded bugs and Cynthias Roserade.Finally you should get a Pokemon strong against pshycic and a grass to get rid of Cynthias Milotic.Hope this helps!!!!!!! Cynthia's Pokemon Roserade Milotic Garchomp Togekiss Spirittomb Lucario by link08: I have good Pokemon. it took a while to train them but here they are. Empoleon lvl 58 surf waterfall hydro cannon hydro pump Garchomp lvl 60 dragon rush dig dragon meteor flamethrower (TM located at fuego ironworks) Magmotar lvl56 fire punch flamethrower fire blast faint attack Electrivire lvl 59 thunder thunderbolt thunderpunch take down Staraptor lvl57 fly brave bird close combat endeavor Giritina lvl 62 Shadow force shadow claw dragon claw shadow ball