My opinion would be to have a Empoleon for Flint,Bertha,and Cynthias Garchomp.Then an Infernape to get rid of Aarons retarded bugs and Cynthias Roserade.Finally you should get a Pokemon strong against pshycic and a grass to get rid of Cynthias Milotic.Hope this helps!!!!!!!
Cynthia's Pokemon
by link08: I have good Pokemon. it took a while to train them but here they are. Empoleon lvl 58
hydro cannon
hydro pump
Garchomp lvl 60
dragon rush
dragon meteor
flamethrower (TM located at fuego ironworks)
Magmotar lvl56
fire punch
fire blast
faint attack
Electrivire lvl 59
take down
Staraptor lvl57
brave bird
close combat
Giritina lvl 62
Shadow force
shadow claw
dragon claw
shadow ball
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Its best if you have 1 fire Pokemon and 1 ground Pokemon.
red or the elite four if you beat red the elite four Pokemon will be jacked up or red again after you beat the elite four his Pokemon are the same levels as before
To get a shiny teddiursa would be brilliant. It is very hard to find. The best way to get a shiny is through chaining. You need to beat the Elite 4 and get PokeRadar.
i say that you should use salamance, wishcash, gardevoir, flygon, blazekin and rayquaza because thoughs were the Pokemon i used and beat elite 4 5 times!!!!!!!!!!
in Pokemon crystal the best Pokemon to have are feraligator(evolved form of totodile), weepinbell, kadabra, ledian (i would advise you to this Pokemon ice punch and headbutt), and pidgeot. these are the Pokemon i beat the elite four with
Its best if you have 1 fire Pokemon and 1 ground Pokemon.
red or the elite four if you beat red the elite four Pokemon will be jacked up or red again after you beat the elite four his Pokemon are the same levels as before
the best fire Pokemon u could have to beat the elite 4 would be blaziken over level 75 or higher
Cynthia has a wide variety of types. she (like all other champions) don't follow a scheme like the elite four
Fire and water are the best combination to beat the elite 4.
Just try your best and believe in your pokemon!!!
I think an: .Infernape .Giratina
The best levels to have are 60 or above Pokemon wise i doesn't matter the easiest way to beat the elite four is train Pokemon that defeat each members Pokemon.
To get a shiny teddiursa would be brilliant. It is very hard to find. The best way to get a shiny is through chaining. You need to beat the Elite 4 and get PokeRadar.
articuno , zapdos or moltress
any level 100 Pokemon that is a dragon type