No, Garchomp is too fast, and it can OHKO Sceptile after a Swords Dance.
if your sceptile knows slam useit overand over again
i'd recomend using a grass type like sceptile or ludicolo but if you choose sceptile, watch out! or ice beam could do some great damage
make your floatzel learn icebeam by TM but level it up first because her garchomp has giga impact.
You could easily beat the champion, Cynthia. About half your party will be knocked out, but if you can kill the Garchomp, you can for sure beat her. She has a spiritomb, a gastrodon, a milotic, a garchomp,and a lucario.
Garchomp takes x4 damage from Ice Type moves, and x2 from Dragon Moves, so it would be obvious to use either an ice type or a dragon type. Weavile is an ice type that can outspeed a Garchomp and potentially KO it. Floatzel is a water type that can learn ice fang, ice punch and ice beam and it is also faster that Garchomp, so that can also K.O it.
NO because sceptile weakness is fire
no its not possible because mewtwo is a legendary pokemon
if your sceptile knows slam useit overand over again
i'd recomend using a grass type like sceptile or ludicolo but if you choose sceptile, watch out! or ice beam could do some great damage
you need to beat the elite four and Cynthia has an level 54 garchomp.
no it cant because regigigas could do all kinds of attack like electric,fire,water,ground,physic and regigigas is a legendary pokemon so garchomp has no chance of winning.
Probobly scince i beat them with a level 63 Empoleon
If it was me, I would use garchomp, floatzel and electabuzz. The best possible team is garchomp, a starter and metagross
there easy i can beat any of them with a grovile,treeko and sceptile using absorb or leaf blade.
no because emboar is a fire type pokemon which is sceptiles weakness and it does way more attack than sceptile, plus emboar is a fifth gerenation pokemon .
make him learn 2fighting type moves
Use an ice type Pokemon