

Best Answer

There are numerous places where Willow trees can be found all around runescape, I've listed some places below:

Free To Play

  • Draynor Village, south-west of the marketplace. (Over Populated)
  • Port Sarim, beside the bar.
  • Port Sarim, south of the jail and east of the church.
  • Rimmington, south of the village.
  • Lumbridge, around the crayfish pond west of Farmer Fred's barn. (far from bank)
  • Lumbridge, west of the farming patch near the East farm. (far from bank)
  • Lumbridge, east of the Lumbridge Guide (near to bank).
  • Varrock, east of Champion's Guild.
  • Varrock, south, near the sheep farm.
  • Edgeville, to the east beside the River Lum.
  • Crafting Guild, to the north of the entrance.


  • Seers' Village, north-west of bank.
  • West of Seers' Village, near the coal mine and the coal trucks.
  • Catherby, south-east of the beehives.
  • Castle Wars, by the bridge north of the entrance.
  • Witchaven, north of the village.
  • Barbarian Outpost, beside the entrance to Barbarian assault.
  • Ardougne, north of the town near the Moss giants.
  • Ardougne, south of the south bank.
  • Feldip Hills, near the ogre Rantz.
  • Taverley, to the west of the lake south of town (also accessible from Falador via the shortcut in the west wall.)
  • North of the Tree gnome stronghold, no bank but very quiet. These willows can only be reached with a Inferior locator or better.
  • Just outside the Legends' Guild.

But the main line is Willow trees are found near almost any body of water on Runescape. They are commonly found by rivers, lakes, and oceans.

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Q: Where are willow trees on RuneScape?
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Where are willow trees in RuneScape?

best Place To Cut Willows Is By Draynor Bank.

Where are weeping willow trees im lumbridge on runescape?

there is no weeping willows but there are willow trees and there are some just below the dranor bank.if you ever need help on runescape, i have a lvl 70 odd and am always happy to help :)

How do you get woodcutting lvl99 RuneScape?

Chop trees. Logs, Oak Logs, Willow, Yew.

What are the different types of willow trees?

Some common types of willow trees include the weeping willow (Salix babylonica), white willow (Salix alba), and pussy willow (Salix discolor). These trees vary in size, shape, and leaf color, but all belong to the Salix genus and are known for their graceful appearance and flexible branches.

How do you rise your level in woodcutting in RuneScape?

Cut trees. lvl1-15(trees) lvl 16-90(oak, willow, pine, maple, yew)

How long do willow trees take to grow in runescape?

If you mean the one used in farming: 4 hours. As with all trees, this is a minimum; it may randomly take longer.

Are Willow trees in forests?

Yes Willow trees are in forests

Where can you get willow trees in RuneScape?

If you mean "where can you get willow logs in runescape?" The most popular place would be in Draynor, near Lumbridge. There is a bank right beside the trees. There is also a lesser known spot for power cutting ( only if you want to lvl up wc not firemakin or make money) near port saurim, just south west of port saurim.

On RuneScape where can you find willow?

Draynor Village

Are willow trees made of bamboo?

No, Willow trees are mostly wood, bamboo is a type of grass, there is no bamboo in a willow tree.

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