There's a 1 in 8192 chance of encountering a Shiny, let alone capturing it. In other words, they're extremely rare.
Shiny Pokemon weren't invented until Generation II of Pokemon. So there is no shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Yellow!
What do you mean how do you make a shiny Pokemon stay shiny if you get a shiny Pokemon it stays shiny ok!
With breeding 2 normal Pokemon, the chances of getting a shiny Pokemon are 1 in 8,192. By breeding 2 Pokemon from different countries, the chances of the offspring being shiny is 1 in 2028. With a shiny female Pokemon and breeding, the chances of that Pokemon being shiny is 1 in 64. so, yes, it is possible, but it takes forever.
Getting a shiny Pokemon is dependent on luck. The chances of encountering a shiny Pokemon is 1/8192, so it may take a long time to get a shiny Abra.
i think there is a way , but you have to have a shiny Pokemon to get it in shiny, or i don't know if you can put a shiny ditto so the Pokemon can come out shiny.Maybe you can put two shinys in the daycare and it will be a shiny Pokemon in the egg.I hope these ideas work:) I've tried breeding Shiny with Shiny, but it didn't work. It's just luck; you'll never know.
They updated it, so now it says "A shiny Pokemon appeared!" Before, you had to have really good eyesight.
Shiny Pokemon weren't invented until Generation II of Pokemon. So there is no shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Yellow!
technically, yes but it is not a red gyarados it is a shiny one and it is random, you can hunt it but the chances of a shiny are 1/8192 so...... good luck
The chances of finding a shiny Pokemon in any game is 1/8192. Good luck!
Thing is, I don't know what's a Wismur, but I know how to get shiny Pokemon. You have a 1 out of 8129 chances of getting a shiny Pokemon. Good luck.
It might be shiny but you'll never get it... cause to get any shiny Pokemon it is 1/8192 chance of getting it shiny... so not possible!!!!
It is really hard to find them so you need good luck to find a shiny. There is a 1 in 8192 chance of finding a shiny Pokemon in the wild or hatching one from an egg.
If it hatches as a shiny pokemon, you will be able to tell by looking at it.
All Pokemon can be normal and shiny, so what's the question?
i think so.
well there are no common shiny Pokemon in heart gold but i have seen a shiny garados's and a shiny medapod. so maybe garados.
In Generation II with the introduction of shiny Pokemon, it was possible to have odds as good as 1 in 64 for getting a shiny Pokemon if one of the parents was also shiny. However, since Generation III, the chances of Pokemon having shiny offspring has no longer been effected by the shininess of the parent Pokemon.