I know only these:ChobotsFantageWaretraialGirlsengHabbo-HotelHibiSikiWikiTimjitOnly these,I am a child.Hope you enjoy these games!!
On Facebook there is the Sims Social
check the back top right hand corner of the case, if it is not the is will be on the back somewhere.that is if it is a D.S game.
Omg srry but you cant get youre save game back ;/
The game ID shold be on the back of the game cartrige.
because lots if people got on it so its not working you can contact them and tell them its not working it might help so witchme comes back if its closed forever R.I.P WITCHME!! :( i loved that game
Because they're updating it will come up next year and if it doesn't,it is shut down.
Yes, WitchMe is very fun.
You cannot get banned from witchme. Thats why hackers sell their clothes and spend stupid stuff with there money.
you get houses automatically you just a house
it is a secret. you should not ask about it because it is her secret
I know only these:ChobotsFantageWaretraialGirlsengHabbo-HotelHibiSikiWikiTimjitOnly these,I am a child.Hope you enjoy these games!!
vickycool1, EARTHAYY, Greenbead ,fantagesky64, misuzu, YlaiJah, xMikuHatsune etc.
When you click and see the log in page click on forget your password? and complete the bottom . It will send to your email. Enjoy!
I don't do Facebook. I do WitchMe. so I don't know. not sorry!
probably witchme, clubpenguin, fantage, weeworld, boombang, horseisle, and, habbo there the only one i can think of
Ball Game