you have to go in and out of any of the route's gates and then a nasty thunderstorm will start. Go in the grass (not the dark grass) you might find a Pokemon so you have to it all over again
HINT: Thundurus will want to flee so use mean look or something like that so he won't flee
Trade from white and if you have white trade from black for tornadous
Get all badges and go to Route 10. Then go to Route 7 and go to the second house. After leaving. You will find Thundurus. He is a roaming Pokemon.
You cannot get Thundurus in Pokémon Black, the only way to get it in Pokémon Black is by arranging a trade with someone else in order to get Thundurus. Thundurus is a Pokémon that is exclusive to Pokémon White however its counterpart, Tornadus is available in Pokémon Black.
Tornadus isn't in Pokemon white, so you have to trade from Pokemon black... if you get Thundurus and tornadus, go to the abundant shrine and the third one will be there. i cant remember his name though...
Thundurus is version exclusive to Pokemon White, you'll have to trade.
You cant get Tornadus in Pokemon White in Pokemon Black you can.In Pokemon White you can get Thundurus...:)
Thundurus has a 111 speed base stat.
a pokemon in pokemon black & white. similar status to Thundurus
Legendary pokemon exclusive to Pokemon White players are Thundurus and Zekrom.Other (officially released) Legendary pokemon found in White (as well as Black) are:CobalionTerrakionVirizionVictini (wifi events only)Tornadus (Black only)Thundurus(White only)Landorus (only when both Tornadus and Thundurus are brought to the Abundant Shrine)Kyurem
with skill yeah
Pokemon Black- Trade from White. Pokemon White- Thundurus roams Unova. After getting 8 badges, go to route 10, go into a house, leave, meet Thundurus and he'll fly off and start roaming Unova.
Tornadus cannot be caught in Pokemon white. He can only be caught in Pokemon Black, in the same way Thundurus is caught in Pokemon White.
Trade from white and if you have white trade from black for tornadous
Black and White Pokemon No. 151: Landorus How to get: You must have both Tornadus and Thundurus in your party, then go to the Abundant Shrine (on route 14.) Please remember: Tornadus can only be caught on Pokemon Black, and Thundurus can only be caught on Pokemon White, so you'll need to trade with a buddy who has the opposite version so you'll have both. Or if you have pokemon black & white you can get thundurus and tornadus.