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There are a few Pokemon that are blue turtles in appearance.

The most popular one is Squirtle, along with its evolution forms: Wartortle and Blastoise.

There are other 2 fossil Pokemon named Tirtouga and Carracosta that are blue turtles as well.

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Q: What is the name of the blue turtle fom Pokemon?
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What level does yamna evolve on in platinum?

Yanma doesn't evolve fom leveling up. It evolves when it learns Ancient power

How do you complete the Kanto pokedex without cheating?

Well you can trade fom other games and catch as much as you can in your own game

What is fungiu?

It is fungus's version of KungFu, founded by master Toad (hailing fom Super Mario Brothers) of the Bing Dynasty!

Is there a cheat in Sims 2 to improve the party score And what do you do when no one arrives to the party?

There is no cheat to improve this score, but it's pretty easy to get it to rise by itself, just make sure your sims have a lot of positive social interactions. To make sure you get positive socila interactions go to your cheat box and type without the quotations "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" then press shift and click on your sim and iit will come up with loads of options. Go to "Spawn" and then click "Tombstone of L&D". A tombstone will apear next to your sim. Click on the tombstone, then look for "Make me friendly to everyone here", you may need to click "More" but it will be there somewhere. This will make your sims realtionship with every other sim on your lot go to 90. It will not make them your friend though. As soon as you click on someone and tell them a joke or something else like that they will become your best friend. My sim has 50 best friends. If no one arrives at your party it probably means that something has gone wrong. The game will always have at least one of the sims you invited turn up no matter how much they dislike your sim. Try using the phone and picking the 'throw party' option again. Don't worry, as soon as you do the cheat above they will get loads of great social interation in. B.T.W. If you have Sims 2 for mac expansion packs and know a place to get them cheap please sign up on the sims 2 website. the no. it asks you for is below the cd holder on the inside cover of the case. You can download loads of great lots and sims fom there. Please email me (my username on there is Blingblongx) on the sims 2 website if you know whwre to get expansion packs for mac cheaper than they are from apple. Thankyou! The cheats has to be entered in correctly and you have to use capitals and spaces were need be. ENTER THE CHEAT EXACTLY LIKE THIS - boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true

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