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Well, sometimes it won't work for me, either. It just keeps loading and loading and loading, right? I think that's because they are under going maintanace (oh lordy, I cannot spell that word! But I'm too lazy to look it up c;).

Anyway, I don't think it's something you can fix, unless it's been happening for some time now. If you logged into Club Penguin recently and it worked, then it's probably just the Team's fault, not yours. Just come back in an hour or so and it should work ;o

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Q: What to do when club penguin won't let you log in?
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What do you do if Club Penguin wont load at all?

Well login to club penguin and at the top in the corner is a log out button click that and it might work....

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because you probably havent logged on in a while just log on daily and give it time to load and it should work!

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There is now way you can log everyone of club penguin.

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First of all, Club penguin has messed up your password. When you try to log in, click the forgot password button. It will ask you your user name and the email you used for your club penguin account. If a problem goes on, email or call the club penguin team.( Trust me this has just happened to me too.)

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You create your account and log in Club Penguin.

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That sometimes happens when you log in you don't click on the button that says remember me so that might be why.

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just press on your penguin in the start of club penguin

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you use the survival guide you find juist put it on the log and let the black puffle do the rest

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You Log Off

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why wont let me log out?

How much are Club Penguin books?

what you have to do is buy a club penguin book and go to club penguin and log in then hit unlock itemsclick i have a book and answer the queston.