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because you probably havent logged on in a while just log on daily and give it time to load and it should work!

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Q: Why wont Club Penguin let me play games?
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Does any one have a club penguin member penguin they dont want anymore It does?

no,why would someone pay for something he wont play

When you play Club Penguin ds do you play as your online penguin?

No but you can uplode your coins on the DS to your online penguin ive got it! MY MUM WONT LET ME PLAY IT TILL I PAY! sammy52484 add me if you think im cool

How do you explode Club Penguin?

You download desktop destroyer and get a machine gun and start shooting club penguin and it will explode in 8 minutes and club penguin wont exist

Your club penguin account wont work how do you fix it?

You should go to club penguin support on the club penguin website. Either you are banned or you have a bad internet connection.

Why wont club penguin let you use cheats?

because club penguin is about having fun on the computer and its about seeing what you can do and not do and if they let you cheat then there's no point of going on and playing it. so just have fun or don't play it.

How do you change your password on club penguin if you do not know the email address?

you wont be able to get on to your penguin.

Why wont i get an email off club penguin?

Check your spam and bulk folder and if you don't find it contact club penguin using the link below.

How do you change the white space on Penguin Storm to the Club Penguin window?

Penguin Storm is now broken and wont be fixed. The white space used ti be the club penguin login space. Club Penguin staff broke penguin storm and now it wont work ever again (from what the forums say). Sorry dude, penguin storm rocks.

Will you get banned from club penguin for using sensi's Password?

you wont

How do you give the lens to the brown penguin in Club Penguin cause i cant it wont let me?


Can you became an memeber in club penguin without paying money?

yes you can you wont get all the fancy stuff for your tree house but you can still play

How do you make dream penguins on Club Penguin?

Rightio search dream penguins club penguin then click on one, then type in what u wont!