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First of all, Club Penguin has messed up your password. When you try to log in, click the forgot password button. It will ask you your user name and the email you used for your club penguin account. If a problem goes on, email or call the club penguin team.( Trust me this has just happened to me too.)

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Q: What do you do if your club penguin account wont log in?
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How do you get your person on Club Penguin?

You create your account and log in Club Penguin.

What do you have to do on penguin club so you can log in and play?

make an account obviously

What do you do if Club Penguin wont load at all?

Well login to club penguin and at the top in the corner is a log out button click that and it might work....

How do you mange your account in clubpenguin for your penguin?

Easy, log on to club penguin click the question mark on the tool bar and click manage account.

How do you log everyone of on Club Penguin?

There is now way you can log everyone of club penguin.

How to get your penguin back on Club Penguin?

create a new account, then add your previous penguin to your buddy list, try to log on again and bam! u got your account back.

How do you make your account work on club penguin again?

To make it work just log in. If you are banned, wait until your are un-banned. If you are banned forever, your club penguin account is gone forever.

How do you log in at Club Penguin?

First you make a club penguin account then you type in your penguins name for you user-name and your password for your password. !!!NOTICE YOU MUST ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT WITH YOUR PARENT'S EMAIL, OR YOU CAN SEND IT TO YOURSELF!!!

How do you make an account on Club Penguin?

first you type in CLUB PENGUIN.COM then you go on log in and you see something that says: create a new penguin then you go: agree club penguin terms and agree terms off use and then continue. Then you enter your penguin name (it can be anything) then choose the colour for your penguin. Then enter password and email then go to your email site and you will see club penguin log in and then go on CLUB PENGUIN.COM again and log in and type your name and password please comment this answer

How yo log in on sensei account on club penguin?

I don't know this for shire but I think his password is ninjax15

You made a penguin on club penguin and you chose the colour yellow when you log on your penguin is blue why is that?

This happens when there is a malfunction in computer prossesing. Club Penguin, like all computer games are not perfect. Or, It could be someone hacked your account.

Why wont Club Penguin remember you?

That sometimes happens when you log in you don't click on the button that says remember me so that might be why.