the best way to do it is get a ghastly and level it up to the lvl when it learns mean look and put it first and give it the quick claw then use it and it wont escape
There are no items that stop Pokemon from fleeing in battle in Pokemon soulsilver.Although this is true:You can catch a Pokemon that knows, Arena trap,and/or a Pokemon that knows mean look, such as a Ghastly.
well did you have it out in battle? if not it has to be out in battle with latios for arena trap to work. if you did have you trapinch out, then... either arena trap didn't work( witch would be weird) or i don't know. another Pokemon would be wynaut or wabuffet. it has the ability shadow tag and that keeps the Pokemon from escaping. i hope you catch the latios! :) -RR14
you cant create a fake pokemon battle
There is no Battle Frontier in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Only the Battle Tower.
You can't have a Pokemon come out of its Pokeball outside of battle.
follow it it runs 3 or 4 times then it stops running & just battle it lol
Stops heat escaping from a home
a pen
There are no items that stop Pokemon from fleeing in battle in Pokemon soulsilver.Although this is true:You can catch a Pokemon that knows, Arena trap,and/or a Pokemon that knows mean look, such as a Ghastly.
To prevent the 3 mystical Pokemon from escaping, you need to have a Pokemon that knows a move that prevents a Pokemon from escaping or swithing out of battle. Ex: Block, Mean look, etc. If you don't have any Pokemon with those moves, find a Pokemon that can put Pokemon to sleep. Although, that Pokemon needs to have good speed in order for that to work. That's all I can say for cathching those mystical Pokemon. Good luck!
Insulation, such as fiberglass.
by escaping
Athena stops the battle
If a pokemon ceases to gain experience points; either it's because it's at level 100, you are using a flashcard and downloaded a rough patch where your pokemon cannot gain exp. points(this has happened to me), you faint the pokemon during battle, you are playing online, it doesn't participate in battle, or it can simply be a glitch.
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which captures heat rising from the surface of the earth and stops it escaping into space. In the same kind of way the glass in a greenhouse lets in the heat, but stops it escaping into the colder atmosphere outside.
As u enter the battle frontier a lady stops you a does a lots of conversation and at last gives you the point card . It measures your battle points and can help you in buying items from battle points exchange center in battle frontier. It is located at the entrance of the battle frontier.