

Best Answer

There are no items that stop Pokemon from fleeing in battle in Pokemon soulsilver.

Although this is true:

You can catch a Pokemon that knows, Arena trap,

and/or a Pokemon that knows mean look, such as a Ghastly.

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Q: What item stops Pokemon fleeing in Pokemon soul silver?
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What item can stop Pokemon from fleeing?

use a pokemon that is a higher level than the pokemon you are facing and use "mean look".That way,the pokemon can't escape.

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you can ether have move like mean look or you can have a wobbufet. He has an ability that the wild pokemon can't flee

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you need the silver wing key item

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It is a hold item that doubles the pokemon's attack power, but makes it confused. The item is used up, and dissapears.

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to get a lucky in soul silver you have to catch a chansy and then take the item if it has a item

How do you get rikou in Pokemon Gold of silver?

You have to find it in the wild in Kanto. It will move places all the time based on where you travel. But once you've finally see it, you can track where it's at on your pokedex. You either need a fast ball or a masterball to actually capture it because unless you have a Pokemon holding an item that prevents wild Pokemon from fleeing, it will run away.

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That item is only available in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

How do you get the darkness key in Pokemon soul silver?

There's no item known as the Darkness Key in Pokemon. At all.

How do you make more items on Pokemon Silver?

Just make one of your Pokemon hold the item and clone(duplicate) it.