It is a hold item that doubles the pokemon's attack power, but makes it confused. The item is used up, and dissapears.
not unless you cheat and duplicate it
go to cerulian city and talk to a kid that's be hind the house where a man will ask you if you collect badges and when you talk to that kid his itemfinder will go off then go up to the bridge and surf down the water to where mewtwos cave was and when you see the kid again surf up next to him and turn to the west and go to the wall there should be one spot to your left and right filled with water then lookto your left and hit the "a" button and you will get the berserk gene
The Berserk Gene is in the water; use Surf to get to it and the Itemfinder to pinpoint exactly where it is. Then just press A when you're in front of it. Incidentally, it's meant to be the last traces of Mewtwo's presence since Cerulean Cave is inaccessible in that game.
its the silver apercorn in Pokemon silver and its the gold apercorn in Pokemon gold
No you can't catch Mewtwo in Pokemon silver, you must trade it from Pokemon yellow.
it raises the attack of your Pokemon but it also confuses the Pokemon during a battle.
not unless you cheat and duplicate it
No you do not need it.
go to cerulian city and talk to a kid that's be hind the house where a man will ask you if you collect badges and when you talk to that kid his itemfinder will go off then go up to the bridge and surf down the water to where mewtwos cave was and when you see the kid again surf up next to him and turn to the west and go to the wall there should be one spot to your left and right filled with water then lookto your left and hit the "a" button and you will get the berserk gene
North of ceurelean city on route 25 there is a long house and a Field behind it in which a guy is stood go talk to him, he will then mention a cave from previous games of Pokemon then pause and tell you his item finder is responding. at this point exit the Field go up till you find a bridge and at the top of it turn left and you will see some water. surf down till you see the man in the field and use your item finder and press the A button anywhere horizontally in line with this guy you will soon fine the item berserk gene.
The Berserk Gene is in the water; use Surf to get to it and the Itemfinder to pinpoint exactly where it is. Then just press A when you're in front of it. Incidentally, it's meant to be the last traces of Mewtwo's presence since Cerulean Cave is inaccessible in that game.
No, berserk is an English word.
Your incessant questions are driving me berserk! If I am not careful, my answer may drive you berserk. The Whirling Dervishes seem to be going berserk.
The disgruntled postal worker went completely berserk.
Pokemon cannot learn Yawn in Pokemon Silver.
That is the correct spelling of the adjective "berserk" (crazed, wild).