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its the silver apercorn in Pokemon silver and its the gold apercorn in Pokemon gold

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Q: What color apercorn is the gs ball in Pokemon Silver?
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What color apricorn do you give kurt to make a GS ball in pokemon silver?

You can't get a GS ball...ever Even if you could, it wouldn't be with an apricorn

In Pokemon Silver How do You catch?

in Pokemon silver you can catch Pokemon as how you catch in other versions. in the Silver version is where the use of special Poke balls were introduced just like Fast Ball, Heavy Ball and Lure Ball.

Where can you find a heavy ball in Pokemon silver?

get an apricorn(i cant remembered its color), give it to Kurt in Azalea Town/Johto, after 1 day it gives you a heavy ball.

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there is no master ball in diamond and also great ball. but there is silver ball-silver ball is like a master ball.

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What color apricorn to make a gs ball in soul silver and heart gold?

There is no Apricorn that will make a GS Ball. The only way to get a GS Ball was through an event using a Japanese copy of Pokemon Crystal.

What apricorn makes a gs ball in Pokemon soul silver?

silver apricorn

What apricorn turns into a gs ball in Pokemon soul silver?

the silver apricorn

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How do get a Pokemon to like you in Pokemon Silver?

just throw your master ball away