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Q: What is the cheat to get the gs ball in Pokemon SILVER?
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How do you get the GS Ball on Pokemon Silver and if you can't get it then how are you supposed to get Celebi?

You can't the only way is to use gameshark and use the cheat and then you will be able to get a gs ball

What is the cheat to get the gs ball in Pokemon Gold?

There isn't one, the gs ball was a promotional item if you bought gold/silver in japan. If you have the Japanese version you can get it.

How do you get the gs ball in Pokemon Silver?

It is impossible to get the GS Ball in Pokemon Silver as it doesn't exist in the game's coding the GS Ball only exists in Pokemon Crystal as an event exclusive item using a mobile phone system that was exclusive to Japan. The only way to get the GS Ball in non-Japanese copies of Pokemon Crystal is by using a cheat device.

What apricot do you give kurt to get the gs ball?

a silver apricorn makes a GS ball in Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver.

How do you make a gs ball in pokemon soulsilver?

You can get the event for the GS ball in Soul Silver or you can cheat/action replay it. There might be other ways too. But you have to look in YouTube for that.

What is the Cheat Code for getting a GS ball?

there is a cheat for gs balls by action replay but you don't get many you see the gs ball on the Pokemon that you got by event and that is a gs ball

How do you get GS ball inn Pokemon gold?


Where to get a GS ball in soul silver?

You can't get a GS ball in Soul Silver. You can only get it in a Japanese Pokemon Crystal. Sorry.

Is there a cheat to get the gs ball in Pokemon black?

sorry there is no cheats to get it

What is the cheat to get the gs ball in Pokemon Crystal?

The code is 91C089DA.

Can you get a gs ball in any Pokemon game?

You cannot get the GS Ball in any Pokemon game besides the Crystal version. Even though Pokemon Crystal has coding for the GS Ball to trigger an event to catch Celebi it is not obtainable. The GS Ball was an event item distributed only in Japan meaning it's not possible to get the GS Ball. It is however possible to cheat the GS Ball into your character's bag using a cheat device.

Were to get a gs ball?

Nintendo pokemon event or use cheat device.