The Berserk Gene is in the water; use Surf to get to it and the Itemfinder to pinpoint exactly where it is. Then just press A when you're in front of it. Incidentally, it's meant to be the last traces of Mewtwo's presence since Cerulean Cave is inaccessible in that game.
in cerulean city in the gym idiots
Not Heartgold right? But the old Pokemon Gold? The thief is in the gym in Cerulean City.
north of misty's gym in cerulean city
You can't find team rocket anymore after the one grunt in Cerulean city.
Beat misty then go to cerulean cape
It's in Kanto region.
in cerulean city in the gym idiots
theres no lifeguard tower in cerulean city. i think you mean the lighthouse in olivine city .
Not Heartgold right? But the old Pokemon Gold? The thief is in the gym in Cerulean City.
north of misty's gym in cerulean city
Gym 2 is Cerulean City, and the Gym Leader is Misty ("The Waterflowers of Cerulean City" is the Pokemon episode with Misty and her three sisters). To get to Cerulean City, you need to go through Mount Moon.
above cerulean city! were bills old house is.
probably same as gold and silver or just wait til it comes out
You can't find team rocket anymore after the one grunt in Cerulean city.
get a life dude
Beat misty then go to cerulean cape
In Pokemon Heart Gold Route 24 Is In Kanto Around Cerulean City