You can't find team rocket anymore after the one grunt in Cerulean city.
In Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, after you defeat the rocket grunt, return the piece back to the Power Plant. Then, you will receive a TM, and then you can finally battle Misty at the Cerulean Gym.
in cerulean city in the gym idiots
I've played Crystal and the official Heart Gold and if my speculations are correct, the shady character(Rocket goon) should be in the Cerulean City gym.
Cerulean City Gym
in a ring in the gym you'll find a thing that helps
In Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, after you defeat the rocket grunt, return the piece back to the Power Plant. Then, you will receive a TM, and then you can finally battle Misty at the Cerulean Gym.
The Team Rocket Guy dashes off to the Cerulean Bridge. He then goes north of the bridge and a little to the left, and is also in a house towards the west side of Cerulean City. His final spot is in the Cerulean City gym, where he hides the machine part.
in cerulean city in the gym idiots
after you talk to the director at the power plant.... then go to cerulean gym you will find the team rocker there
Gym 2 is Cerulean City, and the Gym Leader is Misty ("The Waterflowers of Cerulean City" is the Pokemon episode with Misty and her three sisters). To get to Cerulean City, you need to go through Mount Moon.
I've played Crystal and the official Heart Gold and if my speculations are correct, the shady character(Rocket goon) should be in the Cerulean City gym.
Cerulean City Gym
above cerulean city! were bills old house is.
get a life dude
In Pokemon Heart Gold Route 24 Is In Kanto Around Cerulean City
beat the elite four and then you can go to the kanto region and you have to beat Brock, then get though Mount Moon to get to Cerulean city
in a ring in the gym you'll find a thing that helps