Its A Red slace that MR Pokemon wants.He want to trade a red slace for Exp share
Mr pokemons house for exp.share
You trade the red scale to Mr.Pokemon for the EXP Share. You get the red scale from the red Gyrados in the Lake of Rage. Hope it helped. =D
After fighting the red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage, you will get a Red Scale. You need to take this scale to Mr Pokemon on Route 30 (North of Cherrygrove City). He will trade the Experience Share item for your Red Scale.
You give the red scale from the shiny gyarados to mr Pokemon
go to mr. pokemon's house and trade it for a exp. share
Trade the red scale to mr pokemon
Mr pokemons house for exp.share
After you either catch or kill red gyrados, you will get red scale. trade that with mr.pokemon
You trade the red scale to Mr.Pokemon for the EXP Share. You get the red scale from the red Gyrados in the Lake of Rage. Hope it helped. =D
After fighting the red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage, you will get a Red Scale. You need to take this scale to Mr Pokemon on Route 30 (North of Cherrygrove City). He will trade the Experience Share item for your Red Scale.
You give the red scale from the shiny gyarados to mr Pokemon
go to mr. pokemon's house and trade it for a exp. share
if you mean exp. share the catch the red gyrados and trade the red scale to mr Pokemon
Yes. Give a red scale to Mr. Pokemon and he will give you EXP Share.
In Pokémon Crystal (GBC), there is no Heart Scale item. The Heart Scale item was introduced to the Pokémon video games in Generation III (3) (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald). Thus, you cannot get the Heart Scale in Crystal. There is no Generation II-III trading, so there is no possible way to use the Heart Scale in Pokémon Crystal Version, sorry!
You give the red scale to the man in the building on route 30, where you were given the Togepi egg to take back to Prof. Elm, and he gives you an Exp share. It's either that or an amulet coin. (Cause it was a long time ago...)
after you beat or catch the red gyarados he will drop a red scale