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After fighting the red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage, you will get a Red Scale. You need to take this scale to Mr Pokemon on Route 30 (North of Cherrygrove City). He will trade the Experience Share item for your Red Scale.

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Q: Where do you get EXP share in Crystal version?
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Where do you get a EXP Share in Crystal version?

Trade the red scale to mr pokemon

Where do you get exp all in crystal version?

if you mean exp. share the catch the red gyrados and trade the red scale to mr Pokemon

Is there a exp share in Pokemon Crystal?

Yes. Give a red scale to Mr. Pokemon and he will give you EXP Share.

In what city do you find the exp share on the red version?

You don't get Exp share in a city but do the following to get Exp share, first go to fuschia city and go to the right there is a big building enter it and go upstairs there is a scientist talk to him he will give you Exp share if you have 50 species of Pokemon in your pokedex.

Where can you get exp share in Pokemon gold silver and crystal?

You trade the red scale to Mr.Pokemon for the EXP Share. You get the red scale from the red Gyrados in the Lake of Rage. Hope it helped. =D

What do you do with the red scale in Pokemon Crystal?

go to mr. pokemon's house and trade it for a exp. share

Where you can get exp share in crystal?

After you either catch or kill red gyrados, you will get red scale. trade that with mr.pokemon

Where is the exp share in pokekon liquid crystal?

Well, honey, the Exp Share in Pokemon Liquid Crystal can be found in the S.S. Aqua, specifically on the second floor. Just head on over there and snag that bad boy to make training your Pokemon a breeze. Good luck, darling!

Can you not get a second exp share in Pokemon white version?

i do not know if any one does text me

How do you exp share?

give the exp share to a weak Pokemon when you use any Pokemon to fight exp goes to the fighting Pokemon and the 1 with the exp share.

What is the red scale for in crystal?

Its A Red slace that MR Pokemon wants.He want to trade a red slace for Exp share

How much exp do you get from an exp share?

Half of the exp is given to the Pokemon who has the exp share normally If it is a double battle and the exp share holder is battling he gets 3/4 of the exp If he is not he gets a half and the other 2 battling get 1/4 From: experience