you can put it to sleep/paralyze it etc. than use 100+ ultra balls
Just be paitent and catch it with a pokeball!
A masterball would be the best choice but if you want to save it, you should use a Pokemon that does not let him flee (he always flees after the first turn) and use regular pokeballs or ultra balls
Any pokeball will work but an ultra ball is probably best.
A Master Ball
the best pokeball to catch suicune with is a great ball
Just be paitent and catch it with a pokeball!
A masterball would be the best choice but if you want to save it, you should use a Pokemon that does not let him flee (he always flees after the first turn) and use regular pokeballs or ultra balls
keep spamming ultra balls or quick balls NEVER USE YOUR MASTER BALL WASTE
Any pokeball will work but an ultra ball is probably best.
You must have chosen bulbusaur at the beginning of the game and have the pokedex eventually entei will show up when your in grass. If you didn't choose bulbusaur find someone who did get entei, if you have a Pokemon colosseum you get a shadow entei from the game.
you can't catch monferno wild you have to evolve it from a chimchar
you use a timer ball
a netball or a ultra ball
The best pokeball to catch registeel is a repeat ball if you have owned a registeel before trust me it will work wonders for you i caught registeel with a repeat ball without even weakning it.
you through a pokeball at it and hope for the best