depends if its night then dusk balls if its the heart gold one then level and nest balls when you train alot
master ball. but save it if you want it to use it on entei or raioku which run in the wild
You can catch any legendary Pokemon with an ultra ball as long as you get their hp down and you have to have a lot of them. Try to put it to sleep or paralyze it to make the catch easier.
The best ball to catch Giratina is the Master Ball but the next best and effective options would be the Dusk Ball or the Ultra Ball.
Net ball.
the ultra ball is what i used to catch it...but you could use the master ball after you get it
I have Articuno I found that dusk balls are the best I caught it with it!
master ball. but save it if you want it to use it on entei or raioku which run in the wild
You can catch any legendary Pokemon with an ultra ball as long as you get their hp down and you have to have a lot of them. Try to put it to sleep or paralyze it to make the catch easier.
get apokemon that know false swipe to get its hp low or use a master ball
The best ball to catch Giratina is the Master Ball but the next best and effective options would be the Dusk Ball or the Ultra Ball.
Net ball.
the ultra ball is what i used to catch it...but you could use the master ball after you get it
The best ball to use on her is a quick ball .
you catch him by trading from someone or a gameshark or a Nintendo event.^.^
the best pokeball to catch suicune with is a great ball
the best type of ball to catch all legendaries is the ultra ball
The best ball to catch Deoxys is a Master Ball or a Timer Ball! Trust Me!!! Pokemon Master