The best ball to catch Giratina is the Master Ball but the next best and effective options would be the Dusk Ball or the Ultra Ball.
i would say 87% with an ultra ball
The best way for me was just throwing the ball but i guess bait then ball works fine
well try to get his health low and use the best balls! like the net ball master ball ultra ball!
If you are in battle with another trainer you cannot catch that Pokemon that belongs to them. But if you find out where that Pokemon's habitat is (by using the pokedex) then you can go and catch it with a poke ball, great ball, ultra ball etc...
jiroxy ball...
a master ball
i would say 87% with an ultra ball
Yea, but it's hard.
wild pikachus might be holding it when you catch them
Any really.
depends you can use the master ball and get it in one go without attacking or you can weaken it and throw a premium ball because you only get 1 master ball
when you beat Cyrus he will give you a master ball like the 2 time you beat him so then go after him in mountain shimney then garatina will show up you go into the portal with Cyrus and you have to push the rocks into the same spot the the Pokemon are then follow the girl and she will lead you to Cyrus at the place (don't bring any repels there is no Pokemon) then use your striongest Pokemon to defeat Cyrus then you fight garatina use the master ball and it will catch garatina without faill it is impossible no t to catch him so make sure he has full health then through a master ball and then you will have garatina
You use a poke ball, great ball, ultra ball etc. To be honest I think the best ball for Palkia is an ultra ball. It's really easy to catch so don't go wasting your master ball on it.
The only way you can get Kyogre in Pokemon diamond is if you mingrate that Pokemon into Pokemon pearl. The game you can mingrate from is Pokemon sapphire. Kyogre is a strong and powerful legend. You must catch it in Pokemon Sapphire first. One thing I want to tell you is that you shouldn't use a master ball. I don't mean master balls suck but Kyogre is pretty easy to be caught. Belive me for this answer ,the first ball you use on a legendary Pokemon that in not a master ball ,it will open. To catch Kyogre ,get a few Pokemon balls (that are not pokeballs). I mean a Pokemon ball like ultra ball. By twenty or more to be ready. I ended up catching it with a great ball. Kyogre is a strong legend but easy to catch. After catching it mingrated to Pokemon pearl. Then you will have one in your pearl. Check it out! And have fun!
A, B, Y, A, A, Y, A, Before the ball turns yellow