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Q: What Pokemon ball do you catch mesprit with?
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What do you do after you catch the mesprit?

Catch better Pokemon

In Pokemon Platinum Version what type of pokeball do you use to catch Azelf Uxie and Mesprit?

In Pokemon Platinum Version, what type of pokeball do you use to catch Azelf Uxie and Mesprit?Use dusk balls and timerballs later on, use a pokeball if u want, for mesprit it's a quick ball.

How do you catch mesprit on Pokemon Diamond?

Mesprit does flee from the battles normally at the beginning. But if you manage to inflict damage on it then when you see it again it will still have the damage to it. The best way I found to catch Mesprit is to get a level 30-40 Pokemon that knows Mean Look, I evolved my gastly as i found my captured Haunters didnt know Mean Look. Then give your Pokemon that knows mean look a quick claw. Track down Mesprit using the Poketech app (forgot what it is called, my apologies >.

What poke ball can catch Mesprit?

Any kind of pokeball can catch Mersprit, but it is best to use a Pokemon with mean look if you have troubles with it running away.

How do you catch mesprit on Pokemon Platinum?

you have to trick it to come to you, then it will only stay with you for 1 turn so use a master ball.

Where do you catch mesprit on Pokemon diamond?


Can you catch uxie azelf and mesprit with an ultra ball in Pokemon platinum?

You can with some luck. To get better chances, you should have them at very low HP and either asleep, paralyzed, or frozen. If you try, you can catch any Pokemon with an Ultra ball.

How do you catch mesprint with a dusk ball in Pokemon pearl?

First, use a Pokemon with mean look, such as Crobat, and use it on mesprit. DO NOT WITHDRAW YOUR POKEMON AFTER THIS! Next, attack Mesprit until it is ALMOST in the red zone. NOTE: If you attack Mesprit until it actually IS in the red zone, it will get panicy, thus making a catch nearly impossible. After you do this, either paralyze or put Mesprit to sleep. After that, get ready to throw LOTS of dusk and timer balls.

What is the best way to catch a Mesprit without a Master ball in Pokemon platinum?

Use Electric Types To Paralyze The Get The Life Low And Use Ultra Or Great Ball.

What should you save the master ball for without action replay?

Mesprit or Cressalia. They are both running Pokemon, so they are very hard to catch.

How can you catch mesprit in Pokemon platinum without a master ball?

Its hard, but try catching it at night when dusk balls work. hope this helps

Should you catch Mesprit with your master ball?

No, not quite. An ultra ball should do it. Catch and/or use a Pokemon that knows Mean Look such as Golbat/Crobat. Then weaken Mesprit so you can catch it. If it faints turn your game off and then back on. Just make sure you have lots of ultra balls and potions (hyper/max/full restore).