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Q: What is the best ball for capturing Giratina?
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Can you get the platinum orb before or after capturing Giratina?

I think after

What is the best ball to catch Garatina in Pokemon pearl?

The best ball to catch Giratina is the Master Ball but the next best and effective options would be the Dusk Ball or the Ultra Ball.

What is the best ball to catch Giratina in Pokemon platinum?

Either, master ball, (if you haven't used yours givin to you by professer rowan) ultra ball, or timer ball.

How do you catch Giratina easily?

Master ball

What is the easiest way to catch Giratina without a Master Ball?

Using dusk balls at night tend to work the best. But if you get it to sleep, an ultra ball can work too.

What is physic weakness in Pokemon?

dark and ghost pokemons like mismagius and giratina. The best move that affects them is shadow ball and shadow claw. if you have giratina which you can get in spring path teach it shadow ball or dark pulse. ... this guy is wrong don't listen to anything he says.

Do you need a master ball to capture Giratina?

No cuz there is dusk ball too.

Do you have to use a master ball on Giratina?

No, giratina is located in a cave... so i would use dark balls :)

How do you cathc Giratina in platinum?

i used my master ball

What ball should you catch Giratina with on Pokemon platinum?

Well i caught it in a ultra ball it only took like 30 of them to capture him and i caught palkia straight away with a net ball so oyu should capture giratina in a ultra ball

If you release Giratina will the poke ball still be on the pokedex?

yes it does

How do you open the path to sunnyshore in Pokemon platinum?

After capturing Giratina, go talk to prof. Rowan in Sand Gem Town.