After capturing Giratina, go talk to prof. Rowan in Sand Gem Town.
Go to the new path a victory road
on route 224 or in spring path. they are not very hard to catch.
Alright, you first have to go to the spear piller (top of Mt. Coronet) and beat the Distortion World. After that you end up at Sendoff Spring (where you go to catch Giratina in Pokemon D/P). then from there go to the villiage south of lake valor and then go left and you should pass a guy in overalls and then you're on the path to get to Sunnyshore City which is where the 8th gym is located. =]
you can't find one you have to go to the icy path and catch a swinub or trade on from platinum
you cant get swinub in pokemon emerald. you could only get swinub in pokemon gold and silver in the ice path, and pokemon leafgreen and firered in the icefall cave, and pokemons diamond and pearl in route 217, and pokemon platinum in acuity lakefront and route 217, and pokemon heartgold and soulsilver in ice path.
North of the Pokemon league (Take the seabreak path)
Go to the new path a victory road
You get out spring path and head to sunnyshore city.
you have to get to the top of mt.coronet and fight team galactic and catch or kill dialga. then go to sunnyshore city the guy will let you thru. then walk thru the path and boom. sunnyshore and the 8th gym!
you have to go to mt.coronet from Oreburgh city. use surf at the top then go to the wall and use rock climb.follow the path and you will appear at the spear have to go and catch Giratina first and battle Cyrus than the guy blocking the city will be gone
there is no ice path in Pokemon platinum. it's in johto (heart gold/soul silver/gold/silver/crystal)
in Pokemon platem tern back cave is in side of sprind path wall
Take the path down from snowpoint city.
its on the spring path in between pastoria and veilstone
You can find Octillery on the same path from Pastoria City to the Pokemon League.
you find it at spring path by turn back cave
i don,t no but if your talking bout how to go underground in Pokemon platinum you have to go to eterna city and enter the house next door to the Pokemon center. hope i helped! :D