dark and ghost pokemons like mismagius and giratina.
The best move that affects them is shadow ball and shadow claw.
if you have giratina which you can get in spring path teach it shadow ball or dark pulse.
... this guy is wrong don't listen to anything he says.
Ghost, dark, and bug.
Bug, dark, and ghost.
With another physic Pokemon
Dark type
Psycic Pokemon are weak against Ghost type, Bug type and Dark type. Psychic types are good against Fighting and Poison types since Pokemon Gold (and onward)
Ghost, dark, and bug.
Bug, dark, and ghost.
With another physic Pokemon
physic Pokemon are weakend by dark
Dark type
guys i think pysic pokemons had weakness to normal type normal Pokemon have a weakness to physic Pokemon Kulmblach789 Pysic Poke have a weakness to dark ATks
Red Pokemon are lvl. 80 and up so Lvl. 80 Pokemon are good His Pokemon Weakness are Pikachu:ground Chairzard,Blastioste,lapras:Electricity Snorlax:Fight Venusar:Fly,Fire,Physic,Ice Those are the weakness in order to beat him you need thos kind of moves :) -Ejmanning10
Psycic Pokemon are weak against Ghost type, Bug type and Dark type. Psychic types are good against Fighting and Poison types since Pokemon Gold (and onward)
all of them;) jk my grass type Pokemon kicks ... against physic, others could disagree
Use a physic or ground type pokemon. However as must ground are not affective, a physic pokemon is ideal