all of them;) jk my grass type Pokemon kicks ... against physic, others could disagree
Use a physic or ground type pokemon. However as must ground are not affective, a physic pokemon is ideal
With another physic Pokemon
Abra and the physic Pokemon
Use a physic or ground type pokemon. However as must ground are not affective, a physic pokemon is ideal
Bug, Ghost or Dark.
You need ground and physic pokemon like alakazam
The Gym Leader is easy to beat. She mainly use's ghost type Pokemon. Ghost Pokemon are weak against Physic Pokemon. Trust me if i can beat her you can.
1.Fighting Types 2.Poison
you need a physic type
ground and physic Pokemon are super effective against poison Pokemon
With another physic Pokemon
physic Pokemon are weakend by dark
yes after u beat all 4 of them ghost, physic, dark, and fighting. no champion. and then u go to N's castle and the stone will turn into the Pokemon
If you want to beat them first of all its a double battle.second i think that the only a Pokemon they have is that sun Pokemon and that moon Pokemon's the moon Pokemon and sun Pokemon are rock type and physic types using a grass,steel,ghost,dark and ground but maybe it has an ability to dodge all ground-type moves no matter what. If they have more Pokemon they are physic. Use dark,ghost or bug type Pokemon would be suitable.