Throw a pokeball at it.
Pokeball Peril.
Just be paitent and catch it with a pokeball!
Any pokeball will work but an ultra ball is probably best.
I wish..
Throw a pokeball at it.
It's in a pokeball.
You use a pokeball to catch a pokemon
You catch it in a reagular pokeball, dirtbag.
Nope, the Pokeball you use is the Pokeball it stays in.
It's inside the Cold Storage inside an item pokeball. South of Driftveil.
a pokeball
Which pokeball should you use to catch victini. Well i used the normal pokeball but in my opinion i think that you should use the ultra pokeball
Simple really, turn the pokeball inside out then flip her around, then there you go, a sealed pokeball.
Of course not! The pokeball is AWESOME!
Pokeball Peril.
as to why the colour of the pokeball matter I have no clue, but a great ball would suit glaceon, a moon ball would also look pretty sweet, a dive ball or net ball, basically anything blue :)