

Best Answer

The White Poke Ball is a Premier Ball.

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Q: What is that white pokeball?
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Where can you catch cinncino in Pokemon white?

Throw a pokeball at it.

Where is Tm X-sissors in Pokemon white?

It's in a pokeball.

How can you get any Pokémon in Pokémon white?

You use a pokeball to catch a pokemon

What ball do you use to catch in Pokemon kyuren on Pokemon white?

You catch it in a reagular pokeball, dirtbag.

Can you replace a Pokémon's pokeball?

Nope, the Pokeball you use is the Pokeball it stays in.

How do you get the Tm scald on Pokemon white?

It's inside the Cold Storage inside an item pokeball. South of Driftveil.

What pokeball do you use to catch kyugre?

a pokeball

What pokeball do you catch victini?

Which pokeball should you use to catch victini. Well i used the normal pokeball but in my opinion i think that you should use the ultra pokeball

How can you get seals on pokeball?

Simple really, turn the pokeball inside out then flip her around, then there you go, a sealed pokeball.

Is the pokeball a bad sign?

Of course not! The pokeball is AWESOME!

What episode did ash get sucked into a pokeball?

Pokeball Peril.

What color is a pokeball?

as to why the colour of the pokeball matter I have no clue, but a great ball would suit glaceon, a moon ball would also look pretty sweet, a dive ball or net ball, basically anything blue :)