You are probably referring to episode 67, from season 1. "Showdown at the Poke'-Corral." The opening is a dream sequence in which Ash gets suctioned into a pokeball. It turns out Mr. Mime is vacuuming Ash's face.
Pikachu was in the Poke Ball that Ash had received from Professor Oak.
Ash got Charizard in episode 11
Ash battles Gardenia in the episode: The Grass Menagerie
In DP051, Paul released his Chimchar because he thinks it's not strong enough (as usual) and in DP052, Ash officially catches it when he asked Chimchar once again to be on his team, and Chimchar agrees, so he throws a Pokeball in the air, and Chimchae jumps in. :D
You are probably referring to episode 67, from season 1. "Showdown at the Poke'-Corral." The opening is a dream sequence in which Ash gets suctioned into a pokeball. It turns out Mr. Mime is vacuuming Ash's face.
Ash used a lure ball.
Yes he is!! He copied Ash by putting his Pikachu into the pokeball!!
The Pokemon is captured and it stays inside the pokeball as a ball of energy. It will come back out once the trainer decides that it should
a pokedex?or a pokeball?
A lure ball :)
Pikachu was in the Poke Ball that Ash had received from Professor Oak.
Ash got Charizard in episode 11
The Episode Number in which Ash's Staravia evolves into Staraptor is Episode 586.
episode 48 p.s ash has sex with dawn
Ash receives his Phanpy as an egg, in the episode, Extreme Pokemon!
Ash battles Gardenia in the episode: The Grass Menagerie