Lucario because it is the after evolution. Riolu is really strong when you raise it without evolving it, but check it's moves, and you WILL want to evolve this pokemon at some point.
Depends on the level but Riolu evolves into Lucario when it has high enough freindship and learns beter moves. That is true but I think Riolu is cooler than Croagunk so.. Riolu is better!!
Riolu evolves into lucario and lucario doesn't evolve.
You must raise Riolu's happiness to the maximum then level it in order for it to evolve into Lucario.
the egg you get from riley is a riolu egg riolu will evolve into lucario
lucario-lucario and the mystery of mew,and The Lost Gym Leader Strategy. riolu-Pokemon Ranger and the kidnapped Riolu
At this point in time, Lucario is its final form. It does evolve from riolu.
depends of what your going to do. if you get a happiny you can evolve it into a blissy which has super height hp whick is good for long battles and staling. a riolu can evlove into a lucario, and lucario can do lots of damage. id go with riolu.
Depends on the level but Riolu evolves into Lucario when it has high enough freindship and learns beter moves. That is true but I think Riolu is cooler than Croagunk so.. Riolu is better!!
Riolu evolves into lucario and lucario doesn't evolve.
Riolu is the pre-evolved form of Lucario and does not evolve. Riolu evolves into Lucario with happiness during the day, however.
You must raise Riolu's happiness to the maximum then level it in order for it to evolve into Lucario.
riolu is just fighting, but lucario is fighting/steel.
Riolu evolves into Lucario at level 28-30 or so.
the egg you get from riley is a riolu egg riolu will evolve into lucario