Depends on the level but Riolu evolves into Lucario when it has high enough freindship and learns beter moves.
That is true but I think Riolu is cooler than Croagunk so.. Riolu is better!!
Riolu is 4 generation Pokemon. You can get egg only in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
pokewalker route
riolu evolves when he is really happy
Lucario because it is the after evolution. Riolu is really strong when you raise it without evolving it, but check it's moves, and you WILL want to evolve this pokemon at some point.
It's a Croagunk.
You can possibly get riolu in Pokemon black
croagunk evovles at level 38 or 37
the symbol Pokemon of pastoria is croagunk as shown in the Pokemon episode diamond and pearl #082 cream of the craogunk crop. since croagunk is its symbol they have a sign in pastoria to help you feel as awesome as croagunk by looking like it through the sign in platinum.
The Croagunk is there because of the Croagunk festival, as seen in one episode of Season 11 of the Pokemon anime called "Cream of the Croagunk Crop!".
Croagunk will attempt to evolve starting at Level 37.
Riolu is a Fighting type pokemon.
That's easy, croagunk evolves at level 37-38.
Ash does not get riolu but it does follow him in Pokemon ranger and the kidnaped riolu and Ash wants to bring him back so he does alitle bit.....
You can get riolu by releasing 5 lucario's at the release point you will get a riolu ticket use it at the recruit point to get riolu.
Once you have a Croagunk egg, it doesn't matter what pokemon are currently in your team- Croagunk will hatch after around 2560 steps. However, a pokemon with the ability Magma Armour or Flame Body will halve this. See Related links. If you mean "What pokemon breed with Croagunk to get a Croagunk Egg?" then you can breed any Croagunk or Toxicroak with Ditto or a female Croagunk or Toxicroak with any pokemon in the Humanshape egg group. See Related link.
My character is evee and right from the start her tackle was doing 300 damage.My partner is riolu and he's awesome too. So I think evee and riolu is best.