the egg you get from riley is a riolu egg riolu will evolve into lucario
the egg that riley gives you is a riolu it is the baby form of lucario hope it helps
Cynthia will give you an egg,riley also will,bebe aswell.
I don't think you can
you can breed a lucario with a ditto or go to iron island and get a egg from riley
you get a riolu which can evolve into lucario
the egg that riley gives you is a riolu it is the baby form of lucario hope it helps
You get a Riolu egg after helping Riley at Iron Island
riley is at the iron island if you go with him at the end he will give you a egg
From riley
That depends on what Egg you mean. Cynthia's Egg? Togepi. Riley's Egg? Riolu.
The egg given to you by the hiker has a happiny and the egg given to you by riley has a riolu
You can only get riolu from riley in iron island=egg
You have to have the egg with you and walk several thousand steps.
You don't find it, the mans name is Riley, he has a lucario and other rare pokemon. Riley gives you an egg that is rilu.
get a magcargo and put next to the egg in ur Pokemon thing
Cynthia will give you an egg,riley also will,bebe aswell.