It allows you to use the elevator in the Rocket Hideout, which allows you to reach Giovanni at the end of the hideout.
You get it from a rocket from the rocket hideout in Celadon city.
You can find the Lift Key in the Team Rocket Hideout on Pokemon FireRed. It is dropped by a Grunt on basement floor 4 after defeating him.
In Pokemon Yellow, the lift key is in the Rocket Hideout under the Celadon Game Corner. One of the Team Rocket Grunts will mention the Lift Key before you fight him. Once you defeat him, he will drop the Lift Key. He should be in the northwest room on the 4th floor down (B4F). To get to the Rocket hideout, you need to use the switch behind a poster.
The lift is on basment floor 2 but the key is on basement floor 3.
In the rocket game corner head to B3 a rocket in the corner will lose the lift key after you beat him take it then operate the lift on B2 then go to B4 beat the rockets then the rocket leader take the silph scope then leave head to lavendar town and in Pokemon tower head to the top and save mr fuji talk to him to get the pokeflute.
You get it from a rocket from the rocket hideout in Celadon city.
You can find the Lift Key in the Team Rocket Hideout on Pokemon FireRed. It is dropped by a Grunt on basement floor 4 after defeating him.
In Pokemon Yellow, the lift key is in the Rocket Hideout under the Celadon Game Corner. One of the Team Rocket Grunts will mention the Lift Key before you fight him. Once you defeat him, he will drop the Lift Key. He should be in the northwest room on the 4th floor down (B4F). To get to the Rocket hideout, you need to use the switch behind a poster.
The lift is on basment floor 2 but the key is on basement floor 3.
In the rocket game corner head to B3 a rocket in the corner will lose the lift key after you beat him take it then operate the lift on B2 then go to B4 beat the rockets then the rocket leader take the silph scope then leave head to lavendar town and in Pokemon tower head to the top and save mr fuji talk to him to get the pokeflute.
fight the team rocket grunt in the corner and he'll drop it so you can get it
You have to battle all those Team Rocket grunts first. The Last One will drop the lift key.
To get the lift key, talk to one of the Rocket trainers you have already beaten. He will drop the key, then you can pick it up.
u go to any elevator in the team rocket hideout and it will work
In the game corner you'll beat a man the the lift key will appear next to him. Hope this helps.
Rockets do not have lift, they have thrust.
On B3 of the rocket game corner there is a grunt in the top left corner beat him to get it.