To get the lift key, talk to one of the Rocket trainers you have already beaten. He will drop the key, then you can pick it up.
You don't
You can find the Lift Key in the Team Rocket Hideout on Pokemon FireRed. It is dropped by a Grunt on basement floor 4 after defeating him.
use the lift key to use the lift
The lift key is the key to operate the lift in the underground base of Team Rocket in Celadon City. The key can be obtained upon defeating one of the Rockets inside the building. You will need to the key to go to Giovanni, the boss, and when you defeat him, you will obtain the silph scope.
You beat a grunt, and when you beat him he drops the LIFT KEY and you can use it to get to the top floor and face Giovanni ;D
You don't
You have to battle all those Team Rocket grunts first. The Last One will drop the lift key.
You can find the Lift Key in the Team Rocket Hideout on Pokemon FireRed. It is dropped by a Grunt on basement floor 4 after defeating him.
use the lift key to use the lift
First, go press the switch behind the poster then fight a guy and viola! There it is. He will not pick it up.
blue jays jump off the ground/tree in order for them to get lift
You can't the only way you can is trade it on a previous version of Pokemon (example: Platinum , diamond etc) Then when you have rotom you can go in the lift in silph co in saftron city and change its forms :D
Are you referring to a "lift" as in the one you step onto that takes you or down to different floors in a building? If so, the American term is "elevator."
superlift has a 4" ifs lift for the 4wd version of that truck
The lift key is the key to operate the lift in the underground base of Team Rocket in Celadon City. The key can be obtained upon defeating one of the Rockets inside the building. You will need to the key to go to Giovanni, the boss, and when you defeat him, you will obtain the silph scope.
You beat a grunt, and when you beat him he drops the LIFT KEY and you can use it to get to the top floor and face Giovanni ;D
In the grass below the ski lift, you can find numels. If you have a bashful Pokemon that has the ability of synchronise then you have a larger chance of finding a numel with a bashful nature.