The lift key is the key to operate the lift in the underground base of Team Rocket in Celadon City. The key can be obtained upon defeating one of the Rockets inside the building. You will need to the key to go to Giovanni, the boss, and when you defeat him, you will obtain the silph scope.
You don't
use the lift key to use the lift
You use it on the lift (1st Floor) to get access to Giovanni. This is your first battle with Giovanni.
In Pokemon Yellow, the lift key is in the Rocket Hideout under the Celadon Game Corner. One of the Team Rocket Grunts will mention the Lift Key before you fight him. Once you defeat him, he will drop the Lift Key. He should be in the northwest room on the 4th floor down (B4F). To get to the Rocket hideout, you need to use the switch behind a poster.
If you have completed the Gamecorner area(fought Giovanni and got the Silph Scope), then you'll be fine. The Lift Key's only purpose is so that you may use the Elevator there. Otherwise, you'll have to restart your game.
You don't
use the lift key to use the lift
You use it on the lift (1st Floor) to get access to Giovanni. This is your first battle with Giovanni.
In Pokemon Yellow, the lift key is in the Rocket Hideout under the Celadon Game Corner. One of the Team Rocket Grunts will mention the Lift Key before you fight him. Once you defeat him, he will drop the Lift Key. He should be in the northwest room on the 4th floor down (B4F). To get to the Rocket hideout, you need to use the switch behind a poster.
You first have to get the lift key which is on B3 a rocket will drop it after defeating him use the lift to go to B4 defeat the two rockets then defeat the boss.
If you have completed the Gamecorner area(fought Giovanni and got the Silph Scope), then you'll be fine. The Lift Key's only purpose is so that you may use the Elevator there. Otherwise, you'll have to restart your game.
You beat a grunt, and when you beat him he drops the LIFT KEY and you can use it to get to the top floor and face Giovanni ;D
It allows you to use the elevator in the Rocket Hideout, which allows you to reach Giovanni at the end of the hideout.
The sentence "Use the blue key, not the yellow key" should use a comma before the phrase "not the yellow key" to separate the two contrasting elements.
You find it on B4F in FireRed when you battle a Team Rocket Grunt in the far north corner he has a Level 21 Zubat and Koffing, if you defeat him, then he will drop the key. This will enable you to battle Giovanni. In Silph Co., you don't need a lift key to get anywhere, instead, you have to use the teleporters to get to the Card Key.
The card key is required for entering the 12th floor of the Silph company to fight team rocket's leader Giovanni
You need to acquire the Secret Key that can be found in the basement of the Pokémon Mansion and then you can use the Secret Key to enter into Blaine's Gym.