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Q: What do you need to play DJ hero 2?
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Related questions

Can you play with a guitar on dj hero 2?

No, DJ Hero will be the only game to have guitar songs.

Can you play the DJ Hero with DJ Hero 2 turntables?

Yes well you should be able to.

Are Daft Punk in dj hero 1 or 2?

You can play Daft Punk songs in DJ Hero 1 & 2. But you could only choose Daft Punk as character in DJ Hero 1.

Could you put the dj hero hero turntable on dj hero 2?

Yes, the turntable from DJ Hero will work with DJ Hero 2.

What is deadmau5 name in dj hero 2?

his name in dj hero 2 is deadmau5 you idiots

Does the old dj hero turntable for wii work on dj hero 2?


Can you use guitar on dj hero 2?

No, DJ Hero will be the only game to have guitar songs.

How do you connect you DJ hero to your PlayStation 2?

what cord goes in to the DJ hero ps2 turntable

Is the turntable for DJ hero 2 wireless?

Yes. All DJ Hero Turntables are wireless.

Which store has the discount on Dj Hero 2?

the store that has the lowest on dj hero 2 would be game stop for 99.99

Will a DJ hero 2 PS3 disc will work on PS2?

No a PS2 will not play any PS3 titles

How do you unlock Daft Punk in DJ hero 2?

You cant sadly, they were only playable in DJ Hero 1. There is one Daft Punk song in DJ Hero 2 though. Human After All