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Chikorita is literally a leaf Pokemon, unlike Pikachu which is a mouse Pokemon, and Charmeleon a lizard.

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Related questions

What episode did Ash find Chikorita in?

Ash found his Chikorita in the episode that was titled "The Chikorita Rescue" however other Chikorita he has found is Casey's Chikorita who first appeared in the episode that was titled "The Double Trouble Header" and Lyra's Chikorita who first appeared in the episode that was titled "An Egg Scramble."

Where do you find chikorita in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You cannot get Chikorita in-game.

What type of Pokemon is Chikorita?

Chikorita is a Grass type pokemon.

What trainer in pokemon heartgold has a chikorita?

i do but it is meganium but i breed it for chikorita

When does chikorita learn vine whip?

If you breed a Chikorita, Bayleef or Meganium the hatched Chikorita should know Vine Whip.

How do you get a Chikorita in SoulSilver?

Chikorita is a beginner Pokemon at the beginning of the game. you can choose either totodile,chikorita, or cyndaquil. that's the only way you can get chikorita or you can just trade one over to the game.

Can you get chikorita on Pokemon ruby?

you cant find chikorita on ruby ONLY ON SAPPHIRE You freak [oh i found a chikorita Not Gosh] you have issues

Is it better to evolve chikorita into Meganium or keep it chikorita?

Definitely evolve it.

How do you be chikorita in Pokemon explorers of time?

There are three ways to be Chikorita, First, You could take the test at the very start of the game and become Chikorita, or You could make a chikorita your partner,(and this 3rd part goes nearly for the same) You could also recruit chikorita in mystifying forest, and make it/partner the leader. Then you would either be chikorita, or playing as one.

What Pokemon game can you get chikorita in?

You can get Chikorita in Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, and Emerald.

Is chikorita or Squirtle better in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time?


Which trainer has chikorita in heartgold?

Only you, your rival or a friend who also has that platform can have chikorita.