you cant find chikorita on ruby ONLY ON SAPPHIRE You freak [oh i found a chikorita Not Gosh] you have issues
There are actually a few games with chikorita as a starter pokemon: Pokemon Silver (GBC) Pokemon Gold (GBC) Pokemon Crystal (GBC) Pokemon Soul Silver (Nintendo DS) Pokemon Heart Gold (Nintendo DS) You can also get chikorita as a present for completing the Hoenn Dex in: Pokemon Ruby (GBA) Pokemon Sapphire (GBA) Pokemon Emerald (GBA)
i do but it is meganium but i breed it for chikorita
Chikorita is literally a leaf Pokemon, unlike Pikachu which is a mouse Pokemon, and Charmeleon a lizard.
Pokemon modifyer code
You cant.You can only get Pokemon from Sapphire ,Ruby,and leafgreen for that.
one of the three johto starters: totadile, cintaquil or chikorita
There are actually a few games with chikorita as a starter pokemon: Pokemon Silver (GBC) Pokemon Gold (GBC) Pokemon Crystal (GBC) Pokemon Soul Silver (Nintendo DS) Pokemon Heart Gold (Nintendo DS) You can also get chikorita as a present for completing the Hoenn Dex in: Pokemon Ruby (GBA) Pokemon Sapphire (GBA) Pokemon Emerald (GBA)
Chikorita is a Grass type pokemon.
You can get Chikorita in Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, and Emerald.
No, Chikorita is a grass type pokemon.
Your rival will have Chikorita if you pick Totodile as your starter pokemon.
Chikorita cannot be caught in Pokemon FireRed. However, you can catch a Bayleef in Pokemon Colosseum, transfer it into FireRed, and breed it to get a Chikorita egg.
You cannot get Chikorita in-game.
i do but it is meganium but i breed it for chikorita
to get chickorita you have to have Pokemon emerald and get all 202 Pokemon then the professer will give you chikorita cidiquil or todidial then you trade,or you can just use a gameshark or action replay. (other person) I don't think so. You can't get Chikorita in Sapphire and Ruby, except if you use gamesharks.
Chikorita is literally a leaf Pokemon, unlike Pikachu which is a mouse Pokemon, and Charmeleon a lizard.