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Torterra is waaayyy awesumber!

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Q: Is torterra or leafeon better
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What are some grass Pokemon types?

Here are some: Venusaur, Sceptile, Tropius, Tangrowth, Parasect, Exeggutor, Leafeon, Shaymin, Celebi, Torterra, Meganium.

Is torterra better than piplup?

Torterra is absolutely better because he is stronger and more defensive. Piplup on the other hand is small and his best move is bubbles.pipluptorterra is better

Which is better Torterra or Sceptile?

tortera you loser sceptile's better sceptile is way better

Who are the Pokemon in the meadow zone?

if your talking about pokepark, torterra, buneary, bulbasaur, croagunk, venusaur, turtwig, caterpie, weedle, butterfree, spearow, aipom ambipom, leafeon, scyther, munchlax. that's about all that i can think of

Who is stronger Turtwig or Piplup?

piplup is better than turtwig, BUT torterra is better than empoleon. :)

Which is better Empoleon or Torterra?

I would say Torterra, because it has the better overall level up moveset (Earthquake as soon as it evolves at level 32), though Empoleon can learn better TMs. I also prefer it as a Pokemon overall. To be fair, though, Empoleon has the better typing (Water/Steel, while Torterra is Grass/Ground). Looking at this question base stat wise, Empoleon has the better overall base stats, with a base stat total of 530 compared to Torterra's 525. Torterra has the better Attack (109 > 86) and Defense (105 > 88) stats, while Empoleon has the better HP (95 > 84), Special Attack (111 > 75), Special Defense (101 > 85), and Speed (60 > 54) stats.

What move is better for torterra leaf storm or seed bomb?

leaf storm

Who is better Infernape empoleon or torterra?

infernape because it beats torterra with fire and empoleon with fight , also if u have wifi you can just get all of the starters at the Global Termanal

What is the first evolution for torterra?

Torterra does not evolve.

What is the easiest way to beat snowpoint city gym leader with a level 53 torterra with no magic leaf?

catch a new pokemon like abomasnow with grass moves or rapidash or ponyta not evolved but is past evolve lvl and roserade or leafeon

What is the best team to defeat the elite four in Pokemon pearl?

honchkrow/staraptor (aaron), infernape/rapidash (aaron), leafeon/roserade/torterra (bertha), empoleon/floatzel (flint), honchkrow/spiritomb (lucian), glaceon/abomasnow (cynthia's garchomp)