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To evolve your Evee into Leafeon, get a leaf stone, and use it on Evee, and it will evolve into Leafeon!

Have fun with Leafeon!


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Q: How do you evolve eevee into a leafeon in heart gold?
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All the ways to evolve evee in heart gold?

In Pokémon HeartGold, you can only evolve Eevee 5 ways which would be: Using a Fire Stone on an Eevee into to evolve it into a Flareon, use a Thunderstone on Eevee in order to evolve it into a Jolteon, use a Water Stone on Eevee in order to evolve it into a Vaporeon, evolve it into Umbreon via level-up at night (which is between 8PM and 4AM) when it's happy enough and evolve it into Espeon via level-up during the day time. You can also evolve Eevee into Glaceon and Leafeon however evolving Eevee into Glaceon or Leafeon is not possible in "HeartGold" or "SoulSilver," Eevee can only evolve into Glaceon via level-up when it's near the Ice Rock which can only be found in the Sinnoh region near Snowpoint City and Eevee can only evolve into Leafeon when it's near the Moss Rock which can only be found in the Sinnoh region which is in the Eterna Forest.

What pokemon evolve with a leaf stone in heart gold?


How do you get glaceon in Pokemon Heart Gold?

You cannot evolve an eevee in to a glaceon. You have to trade one from Pearl, Diamond, or Platinum.

Can you breed Espeon with Ditto in Pokemon Gold for Game Boy Color and get an Espeon in the egg?

You will get an eevee egg. That you can evolve into an eevee or the other eevee evolutions.

What can you evolve Eevee into?

in Pokemon red, blue, and yellow, you can evolve eevee into flareon, vaporeon, or jolteon, by using on it a fire stone, water stone, or thunder stone respectively. In Pokemon gold silver and crystal, eevee can evolve into the three previous forms mentioned, as well as: umbreon and espeon by leveling up a happy eevee in the evening, or in the daytime respectively.

Related questions

How do you evolve eevee into leafeon in heart gold?

You can't you must trade it from another game D/PL/P

All the ways to evolve evee in heart gold?

In Pokémon HeartGold, you can only evolve Eevee 5 ways which would be: Using a Fire Stone on an Eevee into to evolve it into a Flareon, use a Thunderstone on Eevee in order to evolve it into a Jolteon, use a Water Stone on Eevee in order to evolve it into a Vaporeon, evolve it into Umbreon via level-up at night (which is between 8PM and 4AM) when it's happy enough and evolve it into Espeon via level-up during the day time. You can also evolve Eevee into Glaceon and Leafeon however evolving Eevee into Glaceon or Leafeon is not possible in "HeartGold" or "SoulSilver," Eevee can only evolve into Glaceon via level-up when it's near the Ice Rock which can only be found in the Sinnoh region near Snowpoint City and Eevee can only evolve into Leafeon when it's near the Moss Rock which can only be found in the Sinnoh region which is in the Eterna Forest.

What pokemon evolve with a leaf stone in heart gold?


Can you get Leafeon or Glaceon in Heart Gold or SoulSilver?

No. In order to get a glaceon or leafeon in soul silver you have to trade your evee to diamond, pearl, or platinum and evolve them in their appropriate locations

What are the seven forms of Eevee of Pokemon HeartGold?

The seven evolution forms of eevee in heart gold are jolteon, flareon, vapourion, espeon, umbreon, glaceon and lastly leafeon. i hope this helps :)

What Pokemon evolve with a water stone in heart gold?

Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu, Eevee, and Lombre.

How do you get glaceon in Pokemon Heart Gold?

You cannot evolve an eevee in to a glaceon. You have to trade one from Pearl, Diamond, or Platinum.

What type of Pokemon evolve with the thunderstone heart gold?

Pikachu to Raichi Eevee to Jolteon Shibibiru to Shibirudon (B&W)

What level does eevee evolve into Espion on Pokemon heart gold?

It won't evolve at a certain level it will evolve when it reaches max happiness during the day which you can do by winning lots of battles with trainers or wild Pokemon without fainting

Can you breed Espeon with Ditto in Pokemon Gold for Game Boy Color and get an Espeon in the egg?

You will get an eevee egg. That you can evolve into an eevee or the other eevee evolutions.

How do you evolve eevee into flareon in Pokemon gold?

You make it hold a fire-stone.

Where is there a strong dark type Pokemon in gold?

evolve eevee into an umbreon by getting max happiness!