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Q: Is there a town called moderation?
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What are Examples of sentences using the word moderation?

The public called for a moderation of the governments confrontational style. Wine, in moderation, can be beneficial to the health His moderation was a contrast to her excess.

Why is hoarding wrong for you?

NOT wrong in moderation. But then in moderation it wouldn't be called HOARDING. It's wrong only if it can be shown to be PATHOLOGICAL.

What diet planning process is controlling the amount of fattening foods you eat?

Any controlled amounts of anything is called moderation. You might drink alcohol in moderation, or exercise in moderation.

What is moderation in the consumption of alcohol called?

This is known as "responsible" drinking.

What is your town called in Pokemon ruby?

Your town in Pokemon ruby is called littleroot town.

Is there a town called Spiderweb?

No. There is no town in the world called 'Spiderweb'.

Which town is called frontier town in Pakistan?


Is there a town called hell in Hawaii?

No, but there is a town called "Hell" in Norway.

The town on Bird Isle is called what?

The town on bird isle is called Wington

When was Town Called Malice created?

Town Called Malice was created in 1981.

What part of speech is the word moderation?

The word "moderation" can function as a noun.

How are Alcopops dangerous?

If consumed in moderation , flavored malt beverages (often called alcopops) are harmless.