You can obtain the TM Sunny Day from the Radio Tower located in Goldenrod City.
Mimic is not a TM. In HG/SS, there is also no Move Tutor that teaches Mimic.
If you still have the TM/HM, teach it to the Pokemon again. If not, go to the move deleter-- there should be a move tutor there too. I learned through HG/SS though. |D
Professor Oak's assitant will give it to you. Oak's assistant WON'T give it to you. He does that in RBY/FR/LG. In Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver, the Elder in Sprout Tower will give it to you. In GSC, Flash is a HM, in HG/SS it is a TM.
In HG/SS you can have tea with her any day from 3:01 - 4 pm :)
You cannot trade a Pokemon from the 5th generation to the 4th generation or below. Getting Pokemon from Black/White to HG/SS is impossible. You can migrate Pokemon from HG/SS to Black/White though.
Mimic is not a TM. In HG/SS, there is also no Move Tutor that teaches Mimic.
Psybeam is not available by TM or Move Tutor in HG/SS.
TM, lots. If you use the TM and then delete Dig, or send the Pokemon to D/P/P/HG/SS, then either level up Trapinch to level 40, or trade Qualava from Pokemon Colosseum, because it learns Dig after you Purify it.
yes, morning, day and night will be in HG/SS
If you still have the TM/HM, teach it to the Pokemon again. If not, go to the move deleter-- there should be a move tutor there too. I learned through HG/SS though. |D
go to the department store in goldenrod city; on 5F, there will be a guy behind a counter selling TM's. One of the TM's is 25, Thunder.
In Pokemon HeartGold, you can find Rock Slide as a TM (TM80) in the Ice Path. It is hidden on the ground inside the cave. Head south after entering the Ice Path, and you will see a staircase on the left. The TM is located at the bottom of the stairs.
It is not a TM in Heartgold or Soulsilver, but apparerntly a level-up move exclusively. I'm sorry but I would really have liked several of my Pokemon to be able to rest and then snore, not just a very few. HOWEVER there is a TM called sleep talk . it is almost the same as snore but im not sure where you get it .i think you get it after beating gym that uses ice type Pokemon
Professor Oak's assitant will give it to you. Oak's assistant WON'T give it to you. He does that in RBY/FR/LG. In Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver, the Elder in Sprout Tower will give it to you. In GSC, Flash is a HM, in HG/SS it is a TM.
In HG/SS you can have tea with her any day from 3:01 - 4 pm :)
Pokemon black and white :D
no, you can't