

Best Answer

yes it give u a str bonus and its better

im lvl 113 nad use it

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Q: Is a toktz-ket-xil better than a rune kite shield?
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Is a runescape rune spike shield better or rune berserker shield?

Rune berserker no question. Rune Spike is worst, 2nd is rune kite, and best is rune berskerker.

Where are the rune kite shields?

I really don't get your question, but if your asking where you can get a rune kite shield than you can buy one at the grand exchange.

What is better rune berserker shield 0 or rune kiteshield and why?

They both have there areas that they are better. But overall Rune kiteshield is better.

What is better rune berserker shield or anti dragon shield or ghutix kite shield and why?

rune berserker shield is bettr because when charged it givs u strenght bonusus and great d fence almost compatible to dragon sq. but if ur lookin 4 price just anti drag. but i say zerker cuz it looks the best :)

What is better rune sq shield or anti-dragon shield?

Rune Sq Sheilds are good against people, but Anti Dragon are better against higher level monsters with better ranged/mage attacks

What is the best non member shield in runescape?

The best shield for a non member in stat wise is the Rune Kite shield however if you want rarity the You can go for one with a trim in the colour of the runescape gods.

What is the best rune shield on runescape?

saradomin shield

In runescape What is better rune 2h or rune scimi?

If you are trying to max hit, then use a 2h, but if you are trying to train for a while and get ok hits then use the scim and kite. The scim and kite are the most commonly used set of weilded items other than battleaxe and kite.

What is the best rune shield apart from god shields or gold trimmed?

Trimmed or gold trimmed are not "better" than the regular rune, in the sense that they don't provide you with any extra combat benefit. The same applies to the god shields. There is no other "rune" shield that provides you better combat benefits. All of these are just for show, i.e., to show off that you can afford them. Members have better options, both "for show" and for actual combat. But those would not be "rune" shields.

Free player runescape best weapon?

Sword: Rune 2handed sword. Shield: Rune Berserker shield 100.

How do you make a rune berserker shield better?

If you are talking about a rune berserker shield 0 then you can play Fist of Guthix(FOG for short) and get tokens to renew and to it's full power for around 10 tokens but doing this will make it un-tradeable.

What is a good shield for ranging in runescape?

For Free players, I suggest using a rune kite. Most likely your a member so Ill answer that as well. First off you want defence, without hurting your bonuses. I will create a list from shields from best to worst (worst is still better than any sheilds not listed) 1. Unholy Book (Gained from quest Horror From the Deep, +8 Range bonus) 2. Any Spirit Shield (Good defence woithout hurting range bonuses) 3. Dragonfire Shield (Great Defence, Must I say more?) 4. Granite Shield (Same stats are rune kite, without hurting range) 5. Any other shield you can think of. The point is to get the balance between good def and range bonus.