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He will occasionally appear in front of the Battle Tower entrance. You know, right next to the Pokemon center. Be sure to battle him if you see him, because he'll only stick around for 2 days and then go away for awhile (say, 3 days).

He will actually only appear on Saturdays and Sundays.

But if you save the game while standing next to him, he will still be there on the weekdays unless you go some where else then come back; he will be gone.

he might not be there though so don't always think he will be there on weekends "ALL" the time

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Q: In Pokemon pearl how do you fight your rival in the battle tower?
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No! Only if you named your rival ash. Other than that it is impossible

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your rival has one. if you battled him everytime then battle him in the fight area. if you want to use that catching people Pokemon cheatr then you can also catch a grotle from some person in route 210.

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Um... where is what after you battle your rival?In case you are talking about your rival he's in the Fight Area. If that is not the case please specify and try again. Thank you and have a nice day.

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cant? unless u don't save?

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Pearl is simply your rival in Pokemon Platinum.