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He is waiting in the battle area to the right of the Pokemon center.

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Q: Where is your rival after you battled the elite four in Pokemon pearl?
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Where is your rival after you double battled with them in Pokemon soul silver?

if you defeated the elite four and champion you can see him in at indigo plateu (pokemon league)

Who is Pearl in Pokemon Platinum?

Pearl is simply your rival in Pokemon Platinum.

Is there a trainer in Pokemon Pearl who has a torrtera?

your rival has one. if you battled him everytime then battle him in the fight area. if you want to use that catching people Pokemon cheatr then you can also catch a grotle from some person in route 210.

How do you get into Pokemon battle arena on Pokemon Pearl?

Easy, if you have good pokemon!After you catch palkia and defeat the Elite 4 you can go there, and you will also be able to battle your rival there as many times as you want on a Friday.

Do you have a dad in Pokemon Pearl?

no but your rival has a dad

Which Pokemon does the rival have on Pokemon Pearl?

Your rival gets whichever Pokemon type yours is weakest to. ie you take the water, rival takes the grass.

Where are the elite 4 in Pokemon FireRed?

take a left at pewter city head down the path and there you go enter the building ( u battled ur rival on that path) there should be manky and spearow there if u are lost

What days will your heartgold rival challenge you at the Elite Four?

Your rival challenges you at the Pokemon league Mondays and Wednesdays.

Pokemon Pearl Pokedex where can you see Pokemon 113?

Your rival will have it at som point

What is the name of the rival in Pokemon diamond and Pearl?

anything you want

Where do you versus your rival after you beat the ELite four more then 20 times in diamond and pearl?

You don't need to defeat the Elite 4 20 times, your rival is at the Fight Area every Saturday.