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You click on your spy phone and hit the red blinking light and it will unlock three tools; scissors, a comb, and a wrench. Click on the wrench, and when you have control of it, click on the telescope, and the wrench will be working.

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Q: In Club Penguin how do you find the gaget to fix the telescope?
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Where can you find the telescope on Club Penguin?

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It is on the wall isde the gaget room it is the wall where G is standing. This is if you mean the blue print for the kite

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Try looking in full servers. There the best placesYou wait and look through the telescope

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find it in the aniversrey of club penguin

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use the spy phone. you go to tools and click the wrench. find me at matterhorn i am: onetufcookie

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There are no matches in Club Penguin.